Legacy has the potential to write itself regardless of the effort we put into curating it, and those stories that are so far from the narrative of the lives they honour, are the sort of uncanny that draws many, that too draw me.
Rabbits in this instance, are the ever growing extension of Barwon Park, burrowing into minds like the stories of the area, carving their way into every pocket of Australia as they go from game to pest, to problem, to inspiration.

It is the artists' hope that their work can hold as much impact as the burrows of the unwanted, yet too: the hope of grandeur, as their very existence also goes from game to pest, to problem, to inspiration.

Hand Carved Woodcut Installation

Legacy has the potential to write itself regardless of the effort we put into curating it, and those stories that are so far from the narrative of the lives they honour, are the sort of uncanny that draws many, that too draw me.
Rabbits in this instance, are the ever growing extension of Barwon Park, burrowing into minds like the stories of the area, carving their way into every pocket of Australia as they go from game to pest, to problem, to inspiration.

It is the artists' hope that their work can hold as much impact as the burrows of the unwanted, yet too: the hope of grandeur, as their very existence also goes from game to pest, to problem, to inspiration.

Hand Carved Woodcut Installation

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